Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An African Mandate - Forging A Nation

An Africa’s Mandate 2008 - Forging A Nation
As proposed by: Ernest L. Herron

Every time the International Community try to put on a show - to show - the world - that, humanity and care do exist for the African’s Nations, they put on a show and sponsor a few aid’s programs, commit a few million dollars toward Aids and a few of the local diseases that still exist among African’s Nations. Two or three months latter the Aids epidemic gets even worse and the few little millions dollars in foreign aids is gone and never gotten to the people it suppose to have help. IT DEFINATE DIND NOT HELP BUILD THE INFRUSTRUCTURE OF AFRICA.
Now, all those so called champions of human rights and others can really do something that will actual benefit the development and progress of the African’s Nations by encouraging and supporting the establishing of an United States of Africa.

It is my understanding that the Africa Union at one time or another was referred to as “The Dictator’s Club.” If the Africa Union can not establish a United States of Africa, then it will be necessary to establish an International Organization who can do so. One who will also implement a Resolution in the United Nations that that will outlaw any form of Dictatorship government on African soil; based upon the history of Dictator’s rule.

Let me tell you a story. The 36th President of the United States of America - Lyndon B. Johnson had a dream to include ALL Americans in what was known as his “Great Society Program - A War On Poverty.” Who in their right mind do you think would oppose such a noble idea?
Former Mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley refused to support a community project proposed by the late Dr. Martin L. King Jr., because the Federal Funds were not channeled through his office.
The Labor Department resented EEO Job Programs which was a part of Johnson’s War on Poverty Program. The Labor department claims that Johnson’s Job Programs undermined the Union wages. Therefore, the Labor Department was not an advocate of Johnson’s Job Programs.
Even City Halls - of various cities, resented Johnson’s “War On Poverty Programs; because City Hall claim that Johnson’s Great Society Program -War On Poverty undermined them as elected Officials. City Hall claimed that the programs - funding, supported Community Leader who would then run for their office. It was “hell,” not to mention all of the others problems the Nation faced.

Like Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society Program - War on Poverty, I became concerned about all the negative news I was hearing, reading and saw on TV about Africa. Therefore, I decided to do some research on Africa. I remember seeing those old Tarzan movies on TV, reading and hearing all kinds of news about South

Africa and Africans struggle against the Apartheid, as well as Mandela struggle. I also read. or was aware of some - history - of Africa’s struggle to gain Independence from Colonialism. But, Africa History that struck me the most was, the desire and dreams of many African’s Leaders to “one day” see Africa as a United Africa, An United States of Africa.

I learned that most historians considered Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society Program a failure. It bother me - how such a noble idea could fail. During such a research on Lyndon B. Johnson Administration; his Great Society Program , you may think that you took a trip to hell and back. I can not go into details about Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society Program because time will not allow it. The point is, how can someone not accept the idea that a United Africa - An United States of Africa is not the best thing for Africa. Referencing - to the Africa Union Conference Accra 2007 in Accra, Ghana. The main agenda was to consider the possibility of creating An United States of Africa, which the Conference failed to do. But the door was left open for future consideration.

Practical everyone who knows anything about Africa will practically agree - that SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. That is the purpose of this proposed MANDATE.
Purpose and Objective

Purpose: is too promote the idea of creating An United States Of Africa.
The objective is to create a Union Government - An United States Of Africa; comprising of all of the existing 53 African Nations - including all and excluding none. The United States of Africa is not to be a replicable of the European Union.

Background Data
Foreign Countries must understand that it is about time for the Africa’s Countries, as a United Africa to take on an Economic, Political and Social program THAT WILL BUILD THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE AFRICA’S CONTENIENT. For centuries, the Africa’s Nations have been enslaved; economically, politically and social. The Africa’s Nations’ -resources have been ravished by Foreign Countries without contributing to Africa development as a Nation. Therefore, the Africa Nations as a whole should cease any and all export of all Africa resources UNTIL the Objectives and Purposes are accomplished or meet through negotiations.

I ran upon a press release statement by the Embassy of Ethiopia on action by House Foreign Affairs Commission dated September 26, 2007. The press release was in response to House Foreign Affairs Commission actions concerning bill HR 2003, sponsored by Donald M. Payne, D-N.J., (dated 9/26/07). The statement was released by Samuel Assefa, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the United States. A portion of the reply by Mr. Assefa read as follows:

“….There can be no misunderstanding about the serious effects of what a small group of Congress members have wrought. This bill ignores the context of what is happening in the region. Ethiopia faces a serious threat from its neighbor Eritrea -- a country that the U.S. Department of State is considering listing as a state sponsor of terrorism, that has rejected democracy and a free press, and that provides no human rights to its citizens. Yet, rather than move against Eritrea, Mr. Payne chooses to condemn America's democratic ally: Ethiopia”
My personal comment about Mr. Assefa statement is, he and his Country were ready to condemn their brother (Eritrea) JUST TO SATIFY THE U.S. That old slave mentality. I can see why Africa have not gotten any where all these years.

Instead of he and his country focusing their energy and efforts toward stabilizing the Continent of Africa - Politically and Economically - he and his country were wasting energy trying to please the U.S. and they can now see where that have gotten them. This is where he and his Country have failed. This is what is wrong with Africa’s Foreign Policies; in the past and present, they are trying to please America instead of doing what is right for Africa.
Economic Plan

First of all. I always thought that Foreign Aid to Africa were a good thing, and praised the U.S. and other for doing so. Now, I am not so sure whether foreign aid is such a good idea for Africa. It is my opinion that the World Bank and IMF are just another form of slavery. Africa is a Country which is rich - in enough resources that, there is no need for Africa to go around BEGGING LIKE A DOG. That is ridiculous.

All Foreign Aid to Africa should be cut-off; to force the Africa Union, Africa’s Leaders and the African people to do what they must do to form a united Government. Any type of foreign Aid should be for the purpose of supporting an United States of Africa. Africa has what it takes to be a great nation, they just need to QUIT BEGGING - roll up their sleeves, and go to work and do what is best for Africa. Put Africa and its people.

U.S. President, Lyndon B. Johnson‘s “Great Society Program - War On Poverty Program” were funded through the U.S. Treasury - Budget. Africa should have a “War On Poverty” program declaring that ALL resources including land and especially oil and gas and all form of energy and wild life are properties of the people of Africa. The Nation Government (National Treasury of the United States of Africa) shall collect royalties from any and all business ventures involving Africa Resources as well as energy. The National Resource Department shall be the stewardship of such resources and will have the responsibility of collecting all royalties from those ventures.

Political Stability
Africa should have a Multi Africa Military Force which may be part of AFRICON - with the capability of putting down ANY conflicts on Africa soil. The first question that probably will arise is - whether the Force will have to deal with Dictators? The answer to this question is simple. There will be no Dictators. …. What? There will be no Dictators. There will be no such thing.
There will be no such thing as a coup. If a coup is attempted or occur - the leader engaging the coup (the leader who plan to take office as a result of the coup) will be put to death by a court of law.

The question of China and Democracy will be question. As the elected (recognized Governor of that Africa State - that Governor - will have the right to do business with any Countries that will allow the accomplishment of the overall economic goals of his State, the Region and the Nation to prosper.

The task of the Multi Africa Military Force ALSO will consist of protecting ALL the African’s States REGARDLESS of the Economic and Political views of its Governors.
I will put myself in the shoes of my African Brothers and Sisters by question the intentions of such a power force as AFRICON - on Africa’s soil. I will let the this document entitled, “An Africa Mandate 2008” answer that question.

As An United States of Africa the newly formed government must take a harsh role against Rebels, War Lords and other form of disorders. The minute a group of disappointed citizens as well as War Lords take up arms against their government their actions are no longer considered political. Their actions immediately is classified as TREASON and or TERROIST and is punished by death in a court of law. This is a must and must be understood by everyone. It will take something no less that this for Africa to get on the right road to recombining the Country it should be.

Proposed United States of Africa
Plan A:
Africans Leaders and the Africa Union must unite as one nation and declare themselves a United States of Africa; in so do doing, DECLARE - that - ANY form of Dictator’s rule is considered a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY therefore, is NOT ALLOWED ON AFRICA SOIL, and is enforced by the Multi-African Military Force which may also include AFRICON.
The United States of Africa should include ALL of the existing African Countries. NONE of the African’s Countries are to be exempted. By virtue of the fact that an Africa Country is on Africa soil Automatically makes it an United State of Africa.
The United States of Africa SHOULD NOT BE A COPY CAT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (EU). No qualifying criteria are required.
Plan A will also include all of Plan B.

Plan B
Plan B is to be use only if Plan A completely fail. It is my understanding that most leaders and supporters who supported a united government had began to considered the Accra, Ghana Summit as the last chance; but for some reasons the hope did not die in Ghana. And it appears that the decision to defer the discussion to establish a Union Government until their next summit in January 2009 was acceptable. Whether the support for the idea has lost any steam or not remains to be seen. .
Collation Of Forces:

If the Africans Leaders and the Africa Union - fail to unite as one nation and declare themselves An United States of Africa; then a Collation of Africa Nations, International Organizations, Civic Groups, and Individuals; that approve such an idea should proceed to take the steps to implement its creation before the United Nations Security Councils - headed by Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and Senegal’s President Abdoulayne Wade.
The Mandate is To DECLARE - that - ANY form of Dictator’s rule is considered a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY therefore, is NOT ALLOWED ON AFRICA SOIL, and is enforced by the Multi African Military Force which may also include AFRICON.


Declaration Of Unity
53 Countries - 53 United States:
The Mandate shall DECLARE that The United States of Africa shall include ALL of the existing African Countries. NONE of the African’s Countries are to be exempted. By virtue of the fact that the Arica Country is on Africa soil automatically makes it an United States of Africa.
The United States Of Africa Committee consisting of African’s Nations petition the United Nations Security Councils to Declared - That All Form Of Dictator’s Rule On African Soil Are Declared A Crime Against Humanity, And Is Not Allowed As A Form Of Government On African’s Soil. We Hereby Declare That All 53 African’s Nations From This Day Forward Be Known As The United States Of Africa in the name of the African people.
I hope that this can be the beginning of a Constitution Government for the Continent of Africa.

United States Of Africa Committee:
Establish a Committee - Known as: The United States of Africa Committee. Suggested Head of the Committee: (1) Former Secretary of the United Nation - Kofi A. Annan (Ghana) (2) Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. (3) Senegal’s President Abdoulayne Wade. .

Committee Members:
In addition to the Heads of the Committee: Members of the
Committee: (1) All of the Democratic African’s Nations
(2) Any other African’s Nations (3) International Organizations
(4) The African Union Association if they so Desire.(5) ANY Committee representing the People of ANY African Countries.

Host Country: Ethiopia

Capital: Gabon.

Since many of the African’s Leaders are not going to be willing to give up their Rule or power; have them appointed as Governors of the Africa Country they present preside over for a ten year period.

I believe that the majorities of the Dictators did what they had to do; to become a free and independent Nation from Colonial rule and the Apartheid. They did what they had to do; and I do not condemn them. Africa is a large Country with many political and economic views. As time passed, many of them may have lost sight of a well planed objective and purpose. And, I feel that the only way Africa will progress is to become a United States of Africa. I feel that that time has come. It is my belief; that it is now time to move on, to a better Africa.

Many political and economic ideologies have had there changes and now it is time for Africa to become one Nation - A United States of Africa. It is my assumptions, that the leaders of the 53
African Countries; as members of the Africa Union truly believe in doing what is best for Africa and will support an United States of Africa. I really hate to think different. If their hope - their dream of Independent meant anything to them - then, complete that dream by uniting as one nation declaring Africa an United Government.

After the ten year period is over, there shall be an election in every African’s State - which will now be United States of Africa. The African’s people will elect ALL branches of their Representative Government. In this manner; the present Rulers will have had ten years, to prove they are worthy of being a representative Governor of the People of Africa. If they truly believe in Africa, and wish to do what is best for Africa they will accept such terms. Once the ten years are up - they can then run for re-election.

President/Vice President:
Have Libyan leader Col. Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi appointed as the first president of the United Stats of Africa and Kopi Anna former United Nations Counsel General of Ghana appointed as Vice President.

United States of Africa Senate and Representative:
By being a United States of Africa; this will open the doors for many African’s Leaders, political science graduates as well as many Africans citizens to become U.S. Senators and U. S. Representative; as well as State Senators and State Representatives.. They will first - (and this is very important) accept All the challengers that most of the Heads of States at the July 2007 AU Conference in in Accra, Ghana claim they need to solve before coming a Union Government. It will be the duties as the U.S. Senate and U.S. Representatives and each State Senate and each State Representative to take on each of those tasks as a Representative of that Africa‘s State.

For Example:
“….Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki, a member of the gradualist camp, expressed strong support for unity yesterday. "The advantages of Africa's unification are enormous for our people. A unified Africa will have stronger bargaining power," he said.

But reflecting the views of many of the leaders, Kibaki added that at a recent conference on the issue in Kenya, "opinions were varied on the pace this process should take". Kibaki said Africa's eight regional economic communities should be the building blocs of a united continent and their integration must be accelerated….”

This is the purpose of becoming An United States of Africa. Under these conditions why wait. There is no need to wait.

Legislative Branch:
Have the members of the Africa Union (AU) appointed as the Legislative Branch of government. National Government. Except for those who will become Governors.

Judicial Branch
Have the Judicial Branch of Government created from Representatives of various African Nations. National Government.

Speaker of the House:
The President of Liberia, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Military Force:
Create a Multi Africa Military Force as outlined in the section Conclusion/Political Stability. The military is to consist of at lease a 750,000 men. The military is to be well paid to dis-encourage corruption.

Forget The European Union (EU):
The United States of Africa IS NOT to be a copy-cat of the European Union (EU) Africa is to set its own standards. The idea is inclusion. The United States of Africa is to INCLUDE ALL the Africa Countries and EXCLUDE NONE. This is not to be an option; By-venture-of-the-fact-that an Africa Nation exist on Africa soil; AUTIMATICALL MAKES THAT AFRICA’S COUNTRIES An United State of Africa.. Europe consist of a number of European Countries; whereas, Africa is one Nation and there should be no need for a criteria to join. The idea is for ALL African Countries to be one United Nation - An United States of Africa.

The United Nations Role:
The United Nations should be used as a last resort to solving African’s problems.
The United States of Africa Committee will be responsible for implement the program under plan B. .

Every time the International Community try to put on a show - to show - the world - that, humanity and care do exist for the African’s Nations, they put on a show and sponsor a few aid’s programs, commit a few million dollars toward Aids and a few of the local diseases that still exist among African’s Nations. Two or three months latter the Aids epidemic gets even worse and the few little millions dollars in foreign aids is gone and never gotten to the people it suppose to have help. IT DEFINATE DIND NOT HELP BUILD THE INFRUSTRUCTURE OF AFRICA.


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